When We Drum, We Heal!
Becoming a better drummer is a side effect of this online program - not the focus. We’re all about maximizing the health benefits of hand drumming, which is why you don’t need to have any rhythm or musical talent. Remember - we are all born drummers; we connected to our mother’s heartbeat before we were born!
Here's what you'll achieve when you journey through this course:
Better Rhythm Skill & Coordination
Improve your drum chops and left/right hand independence with hours of engaging practice and play-alongs.
You'll also learn how to easily play popular, universal and traditional West African/Afro-Cuban rhythms.
Improved Physical, Cognitive & Emotional Health
The proven health benefits of mindful hand drumming and movement include proper posture, reduced stress, improved mood, decreased pain response, boosted immunity, delayed dementia, and improved cognition.
Learn to release negative emotions and trauma using body, breath and beat!
Inspiration, Joy & Serenity
Experience the joy, connection and serenity inherent in mindful hand drumming and movement.
Practice presence and going with the flow, which happens naturally when we connect in rhythm.
Confidence in Music Making
Let go of any old stories about musical talent and having no rhythm! Connect to the rhythm of your own heartbeat and proudly release your Inner Drummer.
Build confidence at drum circles, musical gatherings and in accompanying other musicians and dancers. Experience the myriad of ways to use the drum from personal meditation to sharing it with others.

Your In-Depth 10-Week Course Includes:
Over 10 Hours of hand drumming instruction, practice videos and rhythm meditations
New Video Downloads every week for 10 weeks

9 Pre-Recorded Live Classes (with overhead camera view for ease of instruction)
Movement Sequences and physical exercises ideal for hand drummers
9 Play-Along Rhythm Bliss meditation videos
Basic Hand Drumming Rudiments (for djembe or similar style hand drum) and instruction on popular uplifting, stress releasing and healing rhythms
West African and Afro-Cuban Rhythm including the Universal Break, Clave and Polyrhythm
Rhythms for Accompaniment of other instruments (e.g. guitar or piano)
Instruction on Solo Phrases + tips on Improvisation
Online Support via messaging within the course

Explore the Rhythm Bliss
Online Academy!
Your membership ALSO includes an all-access pass into our online academy: a growing collection of hundreds of videos and hours of online Mindful Hand Drumming rhythm meditations, instructional videos and movement practices. Our members love practicing new techniques and practices in their own time.
Some of the courses included in your membership are:
Getting Started with Rhythm Bliss
Your rhythm adventure begins here! In this course you’ll learn all you need to know to get started with the Rhythm Bliss Mindful Hand Drumming and Movement program. We’ll explain the Rhythm Bliss Method, mindfulness as it relates to hand drumming, how to discover your unique rhythm “palate” to achieve optimal health benefits from hand drumming, preparing your space for practice, advice on what to drum on, and much more.
Inside the Weekly Modules
During this 10-week online program, you'll go through each module, step-by-step, to learn everything you need to be a confident, skilled hand drummer. This is a self-paced course, and it's yours forever, so you can go back at any time to review the videos, meditations, jam-alongs, etc.
Here's a sneak peak into the modules:
Introduction, Learning & Practising Basic Tones
Topics Include...
- The key elements of Mindful Hand Drumming - Accessing a meditative state while drumming and discovering your unique Rhythm Zone - Preparing your space for rhythm meditation (with guided meditation) - What to drum on (you don’t need a drum!) - Proper posture and positioning for Mindful Hand Drumming - Exercise routine specifically designed to stretch and strengthen muscles for drummers - Tribute to Yoruba master drummer Babatunde Olatunji from Nigeria - Learning the Basic Tones for Djembe, Conga and “lap drum” with Babatunde’s GOON GODO PATA method - Guided Rhythm Meditation session with the Rhythm Bliss Family Band - Practicing Basic Tones in a Pre-Recorded Live Class
Review Basic Tones & Learn the Heartbeat Rhythm
Topics Include...
- How to read and understand Rhythm Notation - Gentle Chair Movement routine for drummers - Reviewing basic tones and practicing rudiments to improve hand drumming skills - SINGLE, HALF and DOUBLE TIME, SINGLE and DOUBLE STROKES - Learning the Universal HEARTBEAT Rhythm - Practicing the HEARTBEAT Rhythm while playing along with the Rhythm Bliss Family Band
PARADIDDLE & Grounding SHIKO Rhythm
Topics Include...
- Reviewing basic tones and practicing rudiments - Learning the PARADIDDLE rudiment for Left/Right Hand Independence and Hemispheric Synchronization - Learning the SHIKO Rhythm - Rhythm variations and support rhythms for additional rhythm spice - Practicing the SHIKO Rhythm while playing along with practice audio track
PATA or SLAP Technique & Aramelay Rhythm
Topics Include...
- Reviewing basic tones and PARADIDDLE and practicing rudiments - Learning PATA or SLAP technique - Learning Babatunde Olatunji’s ARAMELAY Rhythm and chant - Learning solo phrases to develop improvisation - Practicing ARAMELAY Rhythm and solo phrases with the Rhythm Bliss Family Band
Triplets Rudiment & Calypso Rhythm Jam
Topics Include...
- Reviewing basic tones and practicing rudiments - Learning TRIPLETS - Learning the fundamentals of the CALYPSO Rhythm - Practicing TRIPLETS with the Rhythm Bliss Family Band
The Universal Break & Calypso Rhythm Variations
Topics Include...
- Reviewing basic tones and practicing rudiments - Learning the UNIVERSAL BREAK as a signal in a rhythmic composition - Reviewing the fundamentals of the CALYPSO Rhythm - Learning a CALYPSO support pattern and playing as an ensemble - Practicing CALYPSO variations with the Rhythm Bliss Family Band
Heartbeat Rhythm in Triple Meter & the Yoga of Rhythm
Topics Include...
- Reviewing Basic Tones and Practicing Rudiments - Learning HEARTBEAT Rhythm in triple meter - Learning Babatunde Olatunji’s 6/8 Rhythm Rudiment - Somatically experiencing the “Yoga of Rhythm” and playing with intention - Practicing Babatunde Olatunji’s 6/8 Rhythm Rudiment and variations with the Rhythm Bliss Family Band
Kakilambe-Inspired Fundamentals & Clave
Topics Include...
- Reviewing basic tones and practicing rudiments - Learning a KAKILAMBE Rhythm from West Guinea - Learning and embodying the CLAVE pattern - Practicing CLAVE along to the CLAVE Play-Along video
Kakilambe Inspired & Solo Phrases
Topics Include...
- Reviewing basic tones and practicing rudiments - Reviewing KAKILAMBE Rhythm - Learning a KAKILAMBE solo phrase - Practicing KAKILAMBE rhythm with solo phrase with the Rhythm Bliss Family Band
BONUS MODULE: Drumming with the Masters
Topics Include...
West African Rhythm and Dance featuring Yoro Noukoussi from Benin (Waama people), N’nato Camara from Guinea (Susu people).
About Alexandra
Hailing from Santiago, Chile, Alexandra Jai is a hand drumming and yoga teacher, rhythm facilitator, accompanist, and performer with over 30 years of experience. Following a transformative and deeply healing drumming immersion with Nigerian Master Drummer Olatunji Babatunde in her late teens, Alexandra plunged heart-first into the study of global percussion traditions and the rich cultural tapestry of rhythm.
A lifelong student of rhythm and movement, Alexandra Jai studied traditional African, Afro-Cuban and Middle Eastern hand drumming from master drummers across the globe.
Alexandra, together with her partner Michael, founded Rhythm Bliss to spread joy, serenity, and healing by blending the ancient art of hand drumming with yoga philosophy in a way that's easily accessible and relevant to our hectic, modern lives.

Start Your Rhythm Journey Today!
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Limited Time Offer: 40+% Off
Regular Price: $350 USD
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I don't have a drum! Do I need one to use the program? If using a drum, what type of drum works best?
The short answer is you don't need a drum (you already have a lap drum!), there are cheap alternatives if you want one, and if you have any drum at home, you can make it work for the course.
Q: I'm not a musician. I'm not even sure I have "rhythm." Is this for me?
You definitely DO NOT need to be a "musician" and absolutely NO musical experience or ability is required. If you have enough coordination to walk, talk and chew gum at the same time, you have more than enough rhythm for the Rhythm Bliss progam. All the content is organized by rhythmic complexity or "rhythm spice," so that everyone from absolute novices, to more experienced drummers, can find exercises and rhythm meditations to keep them in their "Rhythm Zone" (You'll learn more about that in the course!)
Q: Will I become a good drummer using this program or is this just for meditation and relaxation?
In addition to providing this online training, I currently teach live group hand drumming classes to over 300 students per year. Some attend to relax, some for connection to community, and others to improve their hand drumming skills. What is abundantly clear is that those who practice at home become more skilled at drumming. Your timing, syncopation, left-right independence and improvisation skills will improve dramatically. That said, becoming an awesome drummer is not the goal of the course, but rather a sweet side-effect!
Q: Isn't hand drumming a social thing you do in groups? Why would I do this on my own?
The more you meditate in rhythm, the more profound the effects. For some, Rhythm Bliss is a wonderful home practice and complement to in-person drum circles and group classes. For others, getting out to live classes and events can be challenging or even impossible, or they prefer to practice at home on their own, at their own pace. Try it out and see for yourself!
Q: I live in a thin walled apartment with roommates. Will using Rhythm Bliss disturb my neighbours?
This program is not designed for you to play loudly. Playing gently allows you to properly hear the ambient sounds and instructions. We have students who practice in their apartments, on their laps, or with a towel in their drum to muffle the sound and get no complaints. They listen through headphones which keeps noise to a minimum.
Q: What traditions or styles of drumming do you teach in the program?
Rhythm Bliss draws from several rhythm cultures and traditions. I incorporate mostly West African, Latin, and Afro-Cuban rhythms into the program, as I have studied primarily with master teachers from these traditions and my roots are South American (Viva Chile!). Periodically, we feature master drummers from specific rhythmic traditions sharing rhythms from their culture. At Rhythm bliss, our focus is on cultivating the most vitality, connection and joy from a mindful hand drumming practice. The hand drumming technique which you will learn in this program can be applied to many drums and percussion instruments.
Q: I have an injury/arthritis/suffer from chronic pain. Can I still do this?
It's really important to listen to your body and STOP playing if you feel any pain while drumming. that being aid, drumming has been scientifically show to reduce the pain response. We have some students with wrist injuries and others with nerve damage in their arms who are able to drum, and many who report that the vibration of the drumming releases pain and discomfort and increases mobility. We encourage everyone to play really GENTLY (lubricating the joints) versus hitting hard (jarring the joints). Mindful hand drumming is about drawing awareness to physical sensations and adjusting your playing to fit your needs. Honour your body and work within your limitations.
Q: I'm not sure that I'm the woo-woo, New-Agey, drum circle, hippy type. Is Rhythm Bliss for me?
My mindful hand drumming students include doctors, administrators, teachers, lawyers, business people and others from all walks of life. And yes - lots of yoga enthusiasts, therapists, and even a few dread-locked, New Age, hippy types! Mindful hand drumming is beneficial to everyone regardless of age, gender, religious background, sexual orientation, able-bodiedness or ethnicity. If you have a beating heart, you can meditate in rhythm.
Q: Is it easy for me to cancel?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied, let us know within 14 days of joining and we'll give you a full refund.